Tuesday, September 19, 2006

The hypocrisy of my Generation

You know people of my generation are masters of criticism. We find this whole world to be conspiring against us. There is this administration who takes arbitrary decisions about academics(without consulting the students and even faculty), there are these very inefficient people who are the heads of organizations(like directors) who apparently do no work. We all just love bashing them and spent hours criticizing them. But then inevitably a question comes to my mind. Could everybody be so stupid? I mean these people are highly paid, couldn't be for nothing, right? Right!
The best way to come to this conclusion is to see what those people who criticize them are doing. Arbitrary decisions are very emphatically criticized by many students. But when it comes to managing their clubs, the decisions are equally arbitrary.
I will tell you about a case where I happened to be a party involved. There was this club that was started by our seniors and we were pretty excited by it. We got involved in managing it and all. Somewhere down the line, I realized that the decisions of the club were becoming totally arbitrary. You know everybody was supposed to be paying up for the services they got but nobody was consulted about the kind of things they wanted. The very knowledgeable leader and his friends decided everything and rejected any suggestions on the pretext that "we can't satisfy all". Fair enough! But then I wonder is this not also the case with probably all the leaders of our country. In fact I think that they are much more rational in their decision making. I really hope that none of my generation people get into decision making, it would be a mess. And(forgive me lord for thinking this way) I wish from the bottom of my heart that those people who make arbitrary decisions, based on the false assumpsion that they are right and the world is wrong, face the same sometime in life. Let it happen that they are very involved in something and are excited about it and let the leader cheat on them with arbitrary decisions, let it happen that for once they feel helpless, let it happen that all those people who think they are the people who know everything submit to a much more ignorant person, let it happen that all such people rest in peace! To their soul Amen.


GajabKhopdi said...


Calvin said...

I will tell you a secret!

This is how democracy works... unless there is no criticism, people never really feel that they are a part of the system.

It makes them feel that they are important. Their opinion counts. Though it doesn't!

To be perfectly honest, most of us don't care that nobody is going to listen to us... nothing is going to change. Its just that life doesn't give you many opportunities, you make up for it by criticising and imagining yourself having a few of those opportunities.

And at the end of the day, just leaving a moment of fantasy. Hope now you wouldn't mind the hypocrisy.

Chintan Agarwal said...

I guess what you say is true! But then I do mind the hypocricy, it makes life too complicated.