Friday, September 15, 2006

Being a Teacher!

Sir, what is this CRO? How do we operate it? How to write nodal equations? Hell, how do I know, I think. But then it is my responsibility as a Teaching Assistant(TA in short) to clarify the students doubts. Life seems to change in many ways when you are on the other side of the classroom. As a student, I always liked to pester my teachers with stupid questions. Of course, there were many things that I took for granted or left un-understood(I guess that's what's engineering is all about). As a teacher, its not the same. Rest assured that if you are unclear with some concept, the students are going to chew you raw. And the amazing part is that one enjoys these situations, or at least I do. Why? Well for one, this condition is a sure indication that by the next class I would be rock solid in that particular concept. Secondly, I am proud, as a teacher, that my student think more than me and give me hope that they would reach greater heights. Now that is something that is very counter-intuitive. As part of the process of evolution, one always wants to be the best and is happy only on attaining that condition. But as a teacher things are different. There is a sense of satisfaction in seeing your students being on top of the world(that of course means that they surpass you in some sense).
The last few months, as a teacher, has changed my worldview tremendously. I thought that teaching was a very boring job. Well, now I think that it is one of the most interesting ones. I know that I am not yet upto the mark in terms of teaching, but I am sure that a bit of experience will change that(I'm still a bit nervous facing students ;)). Another reason for my change in thinking is probably due to the kind of professor that I have as my boss. The joy that he derives from teaching and the energy with which he teaches is contagious. I wonder if he is plotting to make a geeky professor out of me!

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