Friday, April 21, 2006

Down PC drain

1000 undergraduate students, with access to equal number of personal computers and round the clock internet connectivity! A dream, no it is a reality of the place I live in but there's something ironic about it. Rather than being the producers of technology(&related stuff), we are just consumers of it. Orkut, Movies, TV serials, cartoons, Rated stuff, Games. You name it and we have it. What we don't have is the environment to use the facilities available for some more productive work. What we don't have is a motivated group of people to think in this direction. What we don't have is the desire to be the leaders and the desire to work hard. If that is the situation of one of the premier institute of higher learning in India, I wonder what the situation is at other places? Unimaginable, somebody give me a few grams of SOMA. I want soma!


Vinod Khare said...

Hmm, too much into your SFF course? I'd say that. BTW, welcome to blogoshpere!

Ujj said...

soma is escapism buddy..just like gaming, orkutting, movies etc...what you and I need is soma bar (its negation), a reality check...