Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Places I Want To Visit

So many wishes, so little time. But while I can I'll at least make a list, just in case I get lucky with enough money, time and companionship. Here's my list of places I want to visit:
  • Bhutan : Long overdue. The place somehow mystifies me, especially those on the cliff monasteries.
  • Easter Islands : Boy, aint these structures amazing. I want to believe \m/.
  • Rio De Janerio : Ok, its in Brazil and has amazing beaches but Christ the Redeemer is why I want to visit this place.
  • Varanasi : The oldest city in the world. Must be something about this place that has enabled it to survive this long. Pity that we have managed to destroy the beauty of "Ganga Ghats" at most places, both in an environmental and a moralistic sense. But nonetheless, I long to visit Kashi.
  • Angkor Wat : Is it beautiful or is it beautiful. I don't like to visit temples because there are so many people there and the long queues irritate me. Sure would be pleasant to visit a temple where there is no dhakka-mukki. Sheer peace. But that cannot happen in India.
  • The Grand Canyon : No words for this, really.
Surely not a complete list but at least a start.


Ujj said...

wonder why Machu Picchu doesn't feature in. I remember you saying something about it. or do i.

Chintan Agarwal said...

Oh, yes that too. Damn!
Woods are lovely dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I have enough money for the trip.

Naveen Garg said...

Why not paste a picture of each on the blog! It will be more compelling to you to make your plans!