Thursday, October 28, 2010


"A Christmas Carol" is a particularly moving piece of literature. I read the adapted version of the novella for stage enactment during my high school and ever since it has been on the back of my mind for the novella's projection of the ever nagging eventuality that a person might face.

For the uninitiated, A Christmas Carol is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly businessman who detests the world and everyone around him and there is a certain sense of reciprocity to the feelings. Then, on the eve of Christmas he is faced with three ghosts who take him through a journey that changes his (remaining) life forever. A masterpiece by Charles Dickens, read it to believe it (I am no fan of Charles Dickens but this work is really awesome though some might find it a bit childish). Though, Scrooge is a highly successful businessman, in the journey to his 'success' he keeps on loosing those near him. The result is a person with a lot of potential sources of happiness (read money :P) but no one really to share it with. (Another piece of work that conveys this message very well is "Into the Wild" but in a different light).

Now, for me, what's so creepy about this book is that in real life I so often meet people like Scrooge that I am afraid that given enough time I might also become one. I like to think of myself as an optimist but truth be told, the number of grumpy old (though many of these are not exactly old) people around at times sucks out all the optimism. I understand that people have their experiences and points of view but it is difficult for me to grasp when money is given precedence over feelings. I feel really sad for people who are not able to sympathize with other people and their situations. People who, either by their innate nature or conscious thoughts, decide to exploit someone or put someone in misery. I pity them because they are eventually doomed to a 'Scroogian' life and am afraid of them because their attitudes might rub off on me. And hence I read and re-read "A Christmas Carol" to remind me of what I must never be.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Places I Want To Visit

So many wishes, so little time. But while I can I'll at least make a list, just in case I get lucky with enough money, time and companionship. Here's my list of places I want to visit:
  • Bhutan : Long overdue. The place somehow mystifies me, especially those on the cliff monasteries.
  • Easter Islands : Boy, aint these structures amazing. I want to believe \m/.
  • Rio De Janerio : Ok, its in Brazil and has amazing beaches but Christ the Redeemer is why I want to visit this place.
  • Varanasi : The oldest city in the world. Must be something about this place that has enabled it to survive this long. Pity that we have managed to destroy the beauty of "Ganga Ghats" at most places, both in an environmental and a moralistic sense. But nonetheless, I long to visit Kashi.
  • Angkor Wat : Is it beautiful or is it beautiful. I don't like to visit temples because there are so many people there and the long queues irritate me. Sure would be pleasant to visit a temple where there is no dhakka-mukki. Sheer peace. But that cannot happen in India.
  • The Grand Canyon : No words for this, really.
Surely not a complete list but at least a start.