Thursday, February 04, 2010

Writer's Block - Paradox

Its funny. I know hardly anyone reads this blog and yet while writing a post, I am stuck, afraid of what conclusions these phantom readers of mine might draw. Now, its not that I plan on writing something out of the world or anything. Its just that each post of yours discloses so much about you that you are afraid. A fear that is peculiar and paradoxical. I mean you write to express yourself, an act that inevitably is a mirror into your feelings/thoughts and what not. However, the idea of someone knowing you simply through this mode of expression is amazingly scary. At least to me it is.

1 comment:

Amit said...

dude this ur philosophical argument of being too lazy to write a blog...

being knowing someone through his blog is much like Will trying to guess about Sean's life by merely looking at his painting (Good Will Hunting)